Be still, I am forgiving

15, November, 2022

Be still, I am forgiving

Warmly celebrate the successful holding of Qingdao Yurui Packaging Co., Ltd. on November 11th, "Calm the body and mind, cultivate the mind" team building activity!

Book sharing session

8:30-9:30: Philosophical commonality. Discussing the philosophical knowledge learned from Mr. Inamori's book "Kyocera Philosophy" that they recently read, everyone actively spoke and gained a lot of results, focusing on "What are the three wishes you want to fulfill the most?" "Talk about it

Sweep the road

9:45-11:00: Cleanse your mind without looking outward. While maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, it is also a big cleaning of your mind, cleaning your mood and dusting your mind.

Lunch together

12:00—14:00: Crowds, double the happiness. Lunch party, happy work, happy life! I was lucky enough to meet, and it just cooperated.

Shen Shi on tea

14:30-17:00: Meditation and body and mind. Filter out impetuosity and settle the heart. The road is simple, not repaired but repaired. Taking fire soup and boiling water sencha is nothing more than Tao. In the fast-paced life and work, pursue the peace of your heart.

It's not that life is interesting,

It's because you love life that it's interesting.

- To Yurui's family

